The Salt of the Earth社會中堅;平易近族粗華;優秀分子
The Salt of the Earth這個成語,字里意义“世上的鹽
The Salt of the Earth一詞出自《聖經》,据《新約。馬太福音》(Matthew)第5長記載:耶穌對他的門徒說:"Ye are the salt of the earth:but if the salt have lost his savor,wherewith shall it be salted? " 在這裏,salt用於轉義,表现flavor;of the earth即of the world。這是耶穌爬山垂訓論"福",所講祸音結尾的話,他把門徒比做“世上的鹽”,這是極下的稱讚。這句話正在後世不斷援用變成了一個典故性成語,轉義為the most valuable members of sociey;the finest type of humanity;a person or a group of people having the best 之意
eg: He does a lot of good jobs and is considered to be the salt of the world.
You all are the salt of the earth.Our hope is placed on you