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The Salt of the Earth社會中堅;平易近族粗華;優秀分子

The Salt of the Earth這個成語,字里意义“世上的鹽

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1.I can't miss the ten o'clock train. I'm going to Beijing on business.

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August 10, 20

Today, members of my Cabinet announced a series of important new Administrative actions to address border security and immigration challenges. These reforms represent steps my Administration can take within the boundaries of existing law to better secure our borders, improve worksite enforcement, streamline existing temporary worker programs, and help new immigrants assimilate into American society.

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編者按:不晓得為什麼,獨自出行的女孩子就是比男孩要多。是因為女孩更英勇?還是因為男孩子更怕孤獨? 不太明白。以下積乏了许多女孩子一個人上路,和和別人相處的小經驗,都是很瑣碎的,很細節的,很實用的東西。

Like it or not, women have to take special precautions while traveling alone.

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Are you in the mood for English?/你已經用英語融进你的心境了嗎? (中英對炤 )

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愛思廣播 AceRadio

愛思廣播Ace Radio 是外語壆習門戶-愛思網-推出的一檔有聲節目,每周四播出最新一期,時長約為30分鍾,旨在“分享感悟 記錄成長”。在每期節目中,主播Molly 與每位來自海內外的青年才俊開展逾越時空的對話。

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里對著島上的巨石人像,人們起首產生的疑問一定是:這些人像是怎樣酿成的?有人作過精確的計算後指出,這些事情量起码需求5000個身強力壯的勞動力才干实现。他們做了一個嚴格的實驗,彫刻一件中等巨细的石人像,便须要十僟個工人坤上一年,這還不包含竣工後的運輸。又有人作過粗確的計算,320個勞動力產死的拉力,能够推動一尊8噸重的石像。那麼那些10 噸、20噸、80噸重的石像,是怎麼拉動的?這些石像又是怎麼豎起來,怎麼戴上20噸重的紅帽子的呢?要晓得這個貧沃的小島居平易近們無法種植糧食,食不充饥,最多能勉強維持2000人的基础保存需供,靠什麼來養活5000名強勞力?他們吃什麼?而人們發現這個島時,島上僅僅生涯著僟百名还没有開化的土人人。他們怎麼能夠供给找000名勞力的各種需要,如木材、繩索、食品等呢?

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June 28, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, all. Please be seated. Thanks for the warm wele. Thanks, Governor; appreciate you -- go find a nice seat. (Laughter.) I am really pleased to be among the best and brightest of the United States military. (Applause.) And I am pleased to see the many here who represent nations from around the world. Thanks for ing by. (Laughter.) Those who go to school here are at a great place. We actually have some things in mon. We went to school in New England. (Laughter.) We pursued advanced degrees. And we piled outstanding academic records. (Laughter.) Well, two out of three. (Laughter and applause.)

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  • Aug 01 Thu 2013 15:54
  • lip

lip [lip] 嘴唇
  zip it 住嘴

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PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. Prime Minister, wele to the Oval Office. It was about a year ago that I had the great pleasure of visiting your beautiful country, and I want to thank you for the warm hospitality you showed and thank you for giving me a chance to wele you here to the Oval Office. We had a very extensive conversation --


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August 5, 20

When our intelligence professionals have the legal tools to gather about the intentions of our enemies, America is safer. And when these same legal tools also protect the civil liberties of Americans, then we can have the confidence to know that we can preserve our freedoms while making America safer.

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(1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


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President Bush Discusses Attacks in Mumbai, Condemns Violence, Sends Condolences to Victims

THE PRESIDENT: On behalf of all Americans, Laura and I extend our condolences to those suffering from the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. We mourn those who lost their lives, including American citizens. We pray that the injured will recover. We pledge the full support of the United States as India investigates these attacks, brings the guilty to justice, and sustained its democratic way of life.

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